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Burglar Techniques

Burglary is increasing every year. It is therefore more important to make sure your home is secure. We have listed the top four ways burglars enter your home to help you. These tips will help you protect your home and keep it safe.

Burglars Just Walk In

It is worth thinking about. Which is more likely to be reported? A person trying to force open a glass or simply walking in through a door. We assume that the person walking into a house is supposed to be there.

This is the most common approach that burglars use. They will try door handles to find out which homes are open. Or they wait for someone to leave the house without locking it up. Then they will walk in and take your stuff.

This can be prevented by locking your doors every time you leave your house, even if it is only for a few moments. You can also buy a smart lock, or another type of door lock that locks automatically behind you.

The Front Door Lock

A burglar will always target the front door. There are ways to prevent them from getting in through your front door.

You should invest in a lock of a higher quality that offers more security features. Look for locks with strong deadbolts, anti-picking and anti-bumping.

Use smart lighting. Smart lighting is better than permanent lighting.

Smart technology is a good option. Smart cameras and smart doorbells can catch burglars on camera.

Important: Make sure to lock your secondary door. These doors are often hidden from plain sight, making them easy targets. To keep your home safe, the locks on these doors must be as strong as those on your front door.

Burglars can enter your windows in two ways

A window is the most common way a burglar can gain entry to your home.


Method 1. They will smash the window.

It may seem like the burglars would be stopped by the noise, but they are not. A burglar can smash one window to gain entry to a house because people don't pay attention to ongoing noise.

By replacing standard windows with reinforced glass or impact windows, you can stop someone from breaking into your home. Install motion sensors and alarms to make sure that burglars are not unnoticed.


Method 2. They will climb through the window.

A burglar can see through a window and see the way in. If you are not home, keep your windows locked and closed.


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At locktech services in Ottawa know you want a secure and safe home for your family. We strive to keep up-to-date with the most recent lock security news so that you always have the best locks.

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